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Digital Spaces: Minecraft

Tasos Kollias

Children and the Built Environment

As digital technologies enter children's lives early on, the building block of our childhood has also become digital in programming languages and various games. Anastasios Kollias, teacher and co-founder of MellonLAB, discusses digital building block games, with a particular emphasis on the game Minecraft and its application in education and learning.

Anastasios Kollias is a teacher in Primary Education with a PhD from the University of Athens. He also holds an M.Ed. in the field of "Informatics in Education" and diplomas specializing in school management (we.C.A.R.E.) and STEM education (Erasmus +). He was responsible for pedagogical questions in the pilot program for the introduction of computers in Primary Education "ODYSSEY - The Island of the Phaeacians" and trainer in the programs "Academic & Vocational Training of Primary Education Teachers (EKAP)" "Education of Parents of Secondary Education Students in ICT and the Safe Use of the Internet" (project "" - EDET). Since 2010 he designs and prepares Robotics and STEM Educational Programs for Primary and Secondary Education and has collaborated with many schools, private educational facilities and organizations, either as an instructor or as a laboratory consultant or as a coach of competition teams to participate in robotics competitions. In 2016 he was awarded as a "coach - mentor" in the training robotics competition FIRST LEGO League Greece, while in 2019 he won the bronze medal in mechanical design and 6th place in the world ranking as a coach-mentor of the National Robotics FIRST Global team at the Robotics Olympiad in Dubai.

Production & Copyright: Aka | ARCHITECTURE KIDS ATHENS
Under the Auspices and with the Support of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports

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