Sensory Accessibility: Autism and Spatial Inclusion
Maria Karakasidou
Children and the Built Environment
People on the autism spectrum often find themselves involuntarily excluded from daily activities due to the design of the built environment. Maria Karakasidou, co-founder of TheHappyAct, explains how we can change architectural space in order to better serve the needs of the people on the autism spectrum and those with sensory processing problems
TheHappyAct, a non-profit organization, aims to provide adequate services to people on the autism spectrum. It organizes actions aimed at creating suitable spatial conditions for people with sensory processing disabilities and to bring about a cultural change towards a more accessible society.
Maria Karakasidou, co-founder and special education consultant of TheHappyAct, has long term experience in public and private special education institutions. She collaborates with the Association of Naval Parents of Children with Special Needs "ARGO", holds diplomas in Greek Sign Language and Braille and is a certified LEGO-Based Therapy instructor.
Production & Copyright: Aka | ARCHITECTURE KIDS ATHENS
Under the Auspices and with the Support of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports