School Spaces, Limits and Qualities
Kyriaki Tsoukala
Children and the Built Environment
Early 20th-century pedagogy prompted rearrangements of the school space, first on the scale of the class and then, in the postwar period, on the overall building. Kyriaki Tsoukala, Professor Emeritus at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, talks about the new qualities proposed for modern educational environments, examines the architectural approach for educational spaces in Greece and shows us examples of innovative school architecture.
Kyriaki Tsoukala studied architecture at the School of Architecture of the Faculty of Engineering at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the School of Architecture of the University of Geneva (Dipl. Architect E.A.U.G. 1978). She continued her postgraduate studies at the University of Paris V-Sorbonne (Sciences Sociales et Psychologiques, D.E.A. 1986) and at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales-Paris (Histoire et Civilisations, D.E.A. 1987). She received the title of doctorate of Social Sciences in 1990 (Nouveau Doctorat en Sciences Sociales et Psychologiques-Universite Bordeau II) as well as the title of doctorate of Urban Geography in 1999 from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris). She has the post doctoral academic title Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR) from the University of Paris X-Nanterre in the Organisation of Space (2005).
She taught as a visiting professor in the Postgraduate department of the Urban Geography Studio of the University Paris X-Nanterre in 1992, at the School of Architecture of the University of Wisconsin (Milwaukee, U.S.A) in 1995 and at the Bartlett School of Architecture of UCL (London) in 2007. She is also a member of “Psychosociologie de l’espace” which operates in the frame of the University of Paris X-Nanterre and the National Research Center of Paris (CNRS).
She has published over 100 articles in scientific and architectural journals and books, with the main topic being the link between architecture and the Humane Sciences and Philosophy, places of the upbringing of children and youth, the affiliation between the child-urban spaces, and the theories of Socio-Psychology of Space. She has written the books,”Trends in School Architecture-From the child centered functionality to the postmodern approach” (Paratiritis, 1997), “L’image de la ville chez l’enfant”(Anthropos-Economic, 2001), “Les territoires urbaines de l’enfant” (L’Harmattan, 2007), “Child urban territories. Architecture and cognitive representations” (Gutenberg, 2005), “Urbanisation and Identity” (Epikentro, 2009) and “Contemporary architecture of learning spaces” (Epikentro, 2014). She has translated the book “Le sens de l’Espace. L’Epoque et le Lieu” (by P. Pellegrino, Gutenberg, 2005) and she has been involved with the edition of books (in Greece, France and Great Britain), journals issues (ELSA and Cahiers Pierre Belon) and proceedings of conferences.
Production & Copyright: Aka | ARCHITECTURE KIDS ATHENS
Under the Auspices and with the Support of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports